Monday, July 20, 2009

3) cipher 3 - Start ur travel

cwepan:dierne sand
call:Secret Mission

Here we start wid our secret mission .Nw v r gonna travel 4rm india 2 all othr parts of de wrld.

Nw im gonna gv u some clues wid dat u 5nd which place u r.In each place u'll b assigned wid certain task 1s u finished dat task u'll b gvn wid de code. den brk de clue wid dat u'll travel 2 de next place ,it goes on like dat........


Nw u r in de 8th continent! Bloody Mary of de land 'll welcome u wid laoka 'n mofo gasy!Rest under Baobab 'n 've Ranonapango .Go to "City of Mangoes" and meet Bezanozano tribe sing abt tr fatherland 2 proceed ur journey!


  1. i made some extensive search and found something. Madagascar, the island in the Indian Ocean, the fourth largest island in the world is also referred to as the Eighth Continent. Bloody Mary is a cocktail made of vodka, tomato jiuce and other spices and flavourin agents but i cant find a connection of it with madagascar. Laoka and mofo gasy are the cuisines of madagascar. Baobab are a rare speices of trees six of which are seen in madagascar alone. Ranonapango is the bevarage of madagascar. i cant find any exact info abt d city of mangoes, but mangoes are extensively palnted in madagascar. Bezanozano is a tribal group in east madagascar......but am not able to fidn much info on them. Fatherland of those tribes ?! well, madagascar people call theri country their Fatherland, as it is in their motto too. but if it is so, i stay in madagascar! whr does it supposed to direct ?!! help me

  2. U r wrong wid bloody mary juz try 2 5nd who shez!

    try 2 5nd wr bezanozano tribes live?It'll gv u de ans 4r city of mangoes.

    Bezanozano tribes live in madagascar so sing tr country's song!
    If u 5nd de song u'll get de code!

  3. bloody mary is the sobriquet of Queen Mary I of England. thts what u r lookin for ?

    or Bloody Mary , a ghost of folkfore, which is said to appear in the mirror if summoned for three times ?!

  4. Moramanga - literally means "city of mangoes" .Dis is de place wr Bezanozano tribes live .
